
VIII; 359 S.; 23,5 cm. Goldgepr. Originalleinen.


Gutes Exemplar; Einband mit kl. Läsur. - Englisch. - ... The interaction between science and literature has been a subject of growing concern in criticism; the languages of science have increasingly found their way into literature and into discussions of it. And the traditional assumptions that literary people care nothing about science, scientists care nothing about literature have been belied throughout the twentieth century but particularly in recent years. There remain, however, large gaps of knowledge and of misunderstanding that make fruitful interchange and informed discussion difficult to achieve. And while this series will be aimed primarily at a literary audience, we are hoping not only to be of use as well to historians and philosophers of science and to scientists, but to sustain the standards of discussion of science at a level high enough to ensure the respect if not the agreement of the scientific community. While the series will not take a "position" in relation to controverted questions and will leave the directions of the arguments to the highly qualified and independent scholars and critics it seeks, it does grow from three assumptions, all of which are explicit in this first volume: first, that science and literature are two alternative but related expressions of a culture's values, assumptions, and intellectual frameworks; second, that understanding science in its relation to culture and literature requires some understanding not only of its own internal processes, but of the pressures upon it exercised by social, political, aesthetic, psychological, and biographical forces; third, that the idea of "influence" of one upon the other must work both ways - it is not only science that influences literature, but literature that influences science. ? (Vorwort) // INHALT : Preface ---- I. Introduction ---- One Culture: Science and Literature George Levine ---- II. Diverging and Converging Languages ---- Problems of Description in the Language of Discovery Gillian Beer ---- Montaigne, Boyle, and the Essay of Experience ---- James Paradis ---- George Lewes' Scientific Aesthetic: Restructuring the Ideology of the Symbol Peter Allan Dale ---- III. Crossing the Barriers: Mutual Influences ---- Information or Noise? Economy of Explanation in Barthes's S/Z and Shannon's Information Theory N. Katherine Hayles ---- "Catching Light": Physics and Art in Walter Pater's Cultural Context Donald R. Benson ---- Symmetry/Disruption: A Paradox in Modern Science and Literature Richard Pearce ---- Balzac with Laplace: Remarks on the Status of Chance in Balzacian Narrative David F. Bell ---- (u.a.m.) ISBN 0299113000