
XII; 288 S.; 23,5 cm. Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag.


Gutes Ex.; Umschlag fragmentarisch; mit hebräischem Stempel. - Englisch. - The subject of conversion is one of the most debated and misunderstood theological subjects in modern Judaism. CONVERSION TO JUDAISM presents a history and analysis of this vital and controversial subject. The first section of the book is devoted to a presentation of references to this subject in Jewish classical sources from Biblical times to the present. This section also contains accounts of many instances of individual and group conversions to Judaism which have occurred down through the centuries. The second section contains analyses of the phenomenon of conversion to Judaism by a psychiatrist, a sociologist and a theologian. In the third and final section, a number of contemporary converts to Judaism tell how and why they accepted the Jewish religion and what have been the results of their years of living as Jews. Scholarly, yet popularly written, CONVERSION TO JUDAISM is a timely and provocative book. (Verlagstext) // INHALT : Foreword --- About the Authors --- Introduction --- Conversion to Judaism in Bible Times Albert S. Goldstein --- Conversion During the Talmudic Period Sidney B. Hoenig --- In the Post-Talmudic Period David J. Seligson --- From Expulsion to Liberation David M. Eichhorn --- The Last Two Centuries Abraham Shusterman --- Conversion: Theologically Speaking B. J. Bamberger --- Conversion: Psychologically Speaking A. N. Franzblau --- Conversion: Sociologically Speaking Samuel Teitelbaum --- The Converts Speak for Themselves Abraham Shusterman Margaret Montgomery; San Nicandro; Margaret M. Abram; Mary R. Bondarin; Abraham I. Carmel; Margaret R. Jacques; Margaret R. Neal; Frances Price; Chanele Rosenthal; Harold N. Schott Jr.; Jack Taylor; Marian Wolfinger --- Basic Reading List --- Index.